Resolution of- The SPListItem being updated was not retrieved with all taxonomy fields.

Hi guys,

Let me first explain how I got this issue. While working on some client requirement, I was creating content type and page layout using visual studio. One metadata field has been created as a "site column" using element.xml file.

To know, how to create custom metadata field, Please refer my previous blog.

All was working perfect, which means I was able to map the custom metadata field with Metadata tag. But when I created a list using visual studio 2013/2012 designer to add field to list. It was giving this error after provisioning the list successfully.


Strange error, I was expecting Visual studio more intelligent then earlier. But i felt never trust any tool with your eyes closed ;).

Root Cause:

Let me explain what was happened. Newly created metadata column "Country" was refereed properly but associated note field was not added to list. Because of which it never work.


To fix this double click on the list on visual studio. List designer will be open and then add the note file to the list as shown in below image.


If you have created List using xml, no worries, just add note field tag with same GUID and other attribute values to the list and content type as shown below:


Once you refer this column it will solve this issue. Hope this helps you.

Happy SharePointing :)


  1. As ultrassonografias bom utilizadas com finalidade de
    a reconhecimento da idade gestacional no entanto malformações no amor.


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